Cutting a Traced Image by Using FlexiSign Software
What is a Vector Image:
A Vector Image is a image that has been taken from pixels to trace lines by using either software that is specifically designed for tracing images or using a designing software such as CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator or AutoCAD. The image is then taken through a process where trace lines are created by using for example the image tracing function from CorelDRAW. a Vector Image is a image that was taken from a Bitmap Image (pix related) to trace lines (vector lines).
Why the Vinyl cutter can only cut Vector Images:
The Vinyl Cutter can only read a Vector Image. Reason being a jpeg image for instance, does not have any vector information. Which is why you have to trace the image to get trace lines as the Vinyl Cutter only reads traced images. The Vinyl Cutter can only read Vector Images or Traced Images as the as the Vinyl cutter reads solid lines, shapes and transparent images. The Vinyl cutter does not read images with pixels as an image with pixels does not have any lines. Therefore all the Vinyl Cutter then picks up is the square around the edge of the image.
Please note: Before importing an image to cut, make sure the image is Vectorised and saved in a format the Vinyl Cutter Software will be able to read. For example, .plt, .ai, .dxf etc.
Where can you get Vector Images:
You can download Bitmap Images off the Internet by Google searching "Vector Images" or "Transparent Bitmaps", JPEG Images (pixels), Colouring Books, and your own designs that get scanned in and traced. You can download Vectorisable Images on almost any site for example Shutter Shock and Pin Interest.
How to cut on the Vinyl Cutter using Flexi Starter Software:
The Flexi Starter software is very simple and easy to use.
- Open the Flexi Starter software.
- Open the Production Manager.
- If importing an image click on "file" then "Import".
- If using text, then you can go to the text icon.
- Make the design or wording the size you desire.
- Either use the cut/plot icon or go to "file" then you will find cut/plot.
- It will then go to the Production Manager preview.
- If the installation was successful, press send.
Please note: Make sure the USB is always connected before cutting.
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