Our Policies and Terms

We don't make empty promises! Here is a list of our policies about how we deal with all kinds of situations and our terms and conditions. http://am.co.za/ If anytime you think we don't live up to our promise, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Quality Guarantee
We back the machinery we sell by overstocked parts, fast response times and always available technicians. http://am.co.za/ You will have a worry-free period of at least one year for most of our machines, and after that we provide life-time service for our machines.
Shipping & Logistic
All our products sold are available at our warehouse for pickup. http://am.co.za/ We do not offer free shipping or logistic services, but we will assist you to arrange shipping on your own account.
Training Course
Not only do we sell quality machines, but we also provide training courses for you train your operators.
Return & Refund

© Bates Trust, Advanced Machinery ™
. 21:20 2013/03/03 . [ Homepage | Price List | Visit Us ]