
Should you need an on-site technician to solve your problem, we have a plan for you. You may rent a technician on our warehouse, or ask us to send one to you; either way, you will have your machine back to work in no time.

We have technicians available at our warehouse at all times. We recommend that you bring your machine to our warehouse for diagnosis and repair. Should this not be possible, remote assistance, remote diagnosis by photo or video conference can be made. Or you can post on our forum for help.

Should you need a call-out technician for diagnosis, service or maintenance, a call-out fee is payable.

Kindly note that call-outs must be pre-arranged. Please ask our sales representative or call our support line to make these arrangements for you.

Rent-a-Technician ™

This is the simple option for solving your problem on the premises. Should you need a technician, we will make one available to you. With our Rent-a-Technician ™ option, you may fetch and return (or arrange to pay for transportation, such as a taxi, air-ticket, etc. in advance) within our business hours one or several technicians, taking them to your premises to do diagnosis, repair, maintenance or any other machinery-related work. Rental rates per technician per day are given below.

Monday to Friday
R 1 499
R 4 995
Sunday and Public Holiday
R 9 995
Technician If the machinery you purchased:
-> includes Service Plan and it's time for the service;
-> includes Lifetime Maintenance Plan;
you only need to Book-a-Technician without pay any call-out fee.

Over the rental period, you will be required to accommodate and feed our technicians. Our technician should maintain normal business hours over the rental period. There is no deposit (except for third-party machines) to rent a technician. Partial day will be considered as a full day.

Call-Out for Training

We provide training at our Training Facility. Call-out training will only provide for large group of candidates ( general speaking, a group of more than 5 persons are required ) and booking is essential.

Call-Out Service Terms and Conditions

© Bates Trust, Advanced Machinery ™
. 21:23 2013/03/03 . [ Homepage | Price List | Visit Us ]

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