Vinyl Cutter Operation Manual

Thank you for reading our operation manual for V-Series vinyl cutters and V-Smart Series vinyl cutters from Advanced Machinery. In this manual, you can learn more about the vinyl cutter in detail. We are constantly improving our manuals so as to ensure that they are easy to read and simple to follow. We also continuously include more tips and feedback that we get from you, our loyal clients.

Our V-series vinyl cutters are very easy to use and maintain. The quality components are imported directly from our manufacturing factory in China and are assembled at our warehouse in Johannesburg. This enables us to provide you with an affordable vinyl cutting plotter with great service and support.

V-Series Manual

Vinyl Cutter
  1. Safety Attentions
  2. Installation
  3. Basic Operation
  4. USB Port Setting
  5. Install Flexi Software FlexiSIGN
  6. Install Artcut Software
  7. Install as Printer (NEW)
  8. Operating Instruction
  9. Troubleshooting

V-Smart Series Manual

Vinyl Cutter with Contour Cutting
  1. Safety Attentions
  2. USB Port Setting
  3. Install Flexi Software
  4. Install as Printer (NEW)
  5. Troubleshooting

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Vinyl Cutters for Sale

SKU V-Series Vinyl Cutter, Simple, Reliable and Affordable Price list,Plotter_V
SKU V-Smart Series Contour Cutting Vinyl Cutter, Smart Choice Price list,Plotter_VSmart
SKU Vinyl Cutter Software Price list,Plotter_Software

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. 21:30 2013/03/07 . [ Homepage | Price List | Visit Us ]